Sunday, November 21, 2010


In short means ~I DIDN'T~ lol! Don't you just love when people are soooo interested in your life they forget to tend to their own?!  What is it with people wanting to know MY business?! I just don't really care what others do unless it directly affects me! So, my question is why cant they give me the same courtesy!

Seems if my life is boring OR hectic it fascinates people! Now I'm not trying to come off as if I even HAVE  a life or one anyone would even want at the moment! My husband will get calls and they just want to know our business not really how hes doing?! (that's usually family) It fascinates me the curiosity of my non existent life to certain family members!

So, what about me-us is so interesting?! I'm assuming because we lay under the radar or have tried to with little success. With the House burning and illnesses its been kinda hard to lay low..........but damn it we've tried! Why do we try?! Because I like to mind MY own business, I like peace and quiet, I appreciate solitude and privacy!

Now don' get me wrong we socialize and do our thing, but its with-in our own group and that's where my comfort zone is! That's where I like to stay..........I want peace and quiet. If I'm having a bad day or life moment, I appreciate some respect! When you work for the public you have THAT personality then you have your private personality. The boys ust to tell me I could be chewing them out and the phone would ring and it'd be ~ Thank you for calling so and so can I help you~ lol You learn to do that, so when your on your own time that's exactly what you want......peace ,quiet and drama free!

It never really bothered me as much until my husband got sick. Now, I think REALLY as crappy as my life is at the moment you STILL find it so enthralling?! Maybe the few, because most have been awsum, will eventually get a life and stop trying to mind mine! Stop making people more or less sick than they are and especially minding their intimate business! Again, I must stress sooo many people have been good to us and as I write this it seems petty, but I just hope those FEW will read this and be ashamed and go on to their next VICTIM! Better yet learn from this and quit it all together! Now that's a good option we all have redeeming qualities.

Ughh I know, but this is The Gripe Site, so I am Griping. All in all my life is good and I feel Blessed, but you know what they say about a few bad apples (=  just so happened those apples are either kin to us or interested in other peoples business! So, if your reading this either give me a call OR get a life! Preferably your own......if its boring make up something on yourself, it wont take but a couple of hours to make it into a hell of a story!

O.k. so Ill be nice about we just say a prayer for each other and call it a day!


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ive taken it ALL ......over the counter, health products and prescription sleep aides! Now the only thing that works ''For me'' is Ambien and sometimes Lunesta. Well for those of you that havent tried these two let me fill you in.

Lunesta, is o.k. if you like your mouth to taste like metal, rust, iron etc. The only plus is you dont eat after you take it ,because you want to puke.

Ambien is awsum! It has its own set of problems, BUT the side effects Ive had is- driving ( yes driving) night eating, (which makes Lunesta more attractive lol), calling people in the middle of the night OR talking to people and dont remember........thats how I received my ''exercise pole'' ok stripper pole (says the boys haha)... in the mail one day via info exercise commercial! I have even seen ''Orbs'' shooting down to get me from the ceiling lol. SO, if your desperate for CAN be awsum lol....up to you! Its up to you if you want to sleep and I do ......sometimes would be nice ya know?!

My Dr said he had a patient on Ambien, her husband was awakened in the middle of the night and heard alot of commotion out side,he went to check it out and she beating the hell out of the garden gnomes with his golf clubs!! Now I don't care who you are that's funny lol

So what does a person do, find a night job, deal with feeling like you've been sucking on a rusty pole OR make orders you don't remember ordering? Oh and on the night driving one, if or when I break down and take an Ambien and not Lunesta, I now give the keys to the Hubbie when he goes to bed. Problem solved!

Now that's a sore subject, those people who lay their head down on a pillow and are snoring in 1.2 seconds.....makes me wanna beat them with a wet noodle! When I tell you've I always had this problem I MEAN I have ALWAYS had this problem!

I'm going to start up an online petition for my husband! It will be for people who sign in the belief that if I move back to the Ocean Id sleep like a log and be much more happier and in?! Come on give a Sister a hand (= much better than taking a drug.....Ill take a glass of red wine and hearing the roaring waves ANY DAY!!! Surely if your in we can form a club (=

Monday, November 1, 2010


Have you ever met a mother that has absolutely no maternal or nurturing bone in their body! Well I have and if you haven't consider your self Blessed!

People amaze me! I guess `THOSE` people are just cold hearted.....evil.....I'm still unsure!

So, as I write this I'm saying a prayer for this person! Now I ask all of  you viewing this please say a prayer for all the Mothers out there that need to realize giving birth does not make you a mother! To stand up and try to mend the hurt you may have caused!

Sorry, just breaks my heart when I see this and I have friends who would give ANYTHING to have their children back if even for 1day!!

As a mother, I can not comprehend this type of attitude of ~mom 1st kids last~..........................................

That's it.........may God have mercy on their souls!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

YOU KNOW WHAT BUGS ME....................

It bugs me when you put a ~serious~ post on blog frog and you get NO replies ,BUT a question like ~did you pee during delivery~ gets a 100+ replies??!!  SERIOUSLY!! Who cares...believe me you wont care what you do during delivery!!!

You figure a forum of this statue that reaches so many people, someone would be interested in a serious question? Maybe It wasn't funny or as informative as the question above, but still a question! Maybe I don't rant enough, cuss enough, preach enough who knows? At this point I'm questioning the whole point in blogging!

FYI, the question had to do with Cancer, the type and any info regarding it. So, it wasn't a stupid question....or I didn't think it was! Did I mention I lost a follower after I posted the question............maybe it was the question or maybe they just didn't like my post in general.... Either way, GOOD RIDDANCE~.......OK , so I'm thru GRIPING.......for now! Have a good one!

Monday, September 6, 2010

THOSE PEOPLE...AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you ever see ~those~ people and in your mind your doing a Chuck Norris move on them or you see yourself as Rambo.....then you flash back to reality?! How odd is it that ~those~ people are usually either related to you or in your circle some how!! Is that irony or Karma! If its Karma, I wanna know what the hell I did in a past life, because I would like to make a menze!!!

No, I don't know about the whole past life thing, but it has to be something!! Maybe your in THEIR path to show THEM something............I would like to think a Chuck Norris move haha, but probably not. I wish their was an Island for ~those~ people............wouldn't that be nice!!  We could call it THAT Island for THOSE people (=

You know, the kinda place you take your kids to and show them THOSE people and how they NEVER want to be THEM! Yes, Ive had one of THOSE days with THEM people and in my mind I kicked their ass (=  I was Awsum.................good thing for them I ~snapped~ back to reality...............................AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, Im sorry I just had a ~flashback (=~

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We have truly been blessed with some awsum friends and family! We are on prayer list near and far a nd what an honor and blessing for someone to care about you enough to do that! The Methodist Church delivered a prayer blanket to my husband that was made with pure love, devotion and many,many prayers! We don't even attend their Church now how special was that to know all religions can come together and pray for each other!

So, I assume you are wanting to know the gripe right well......its the nosey ones, the ones who don't know you and NEVER made an effort to know you! The relatives who just want to ~talk~ about it, but not help!

This is my view, if I publicly put on Face Book etc. for a generic prayer of healing or for my family that should be enough!

My children,my husband and I are so grateful to all the people who have been there for us! Now my hope is that the ones who love and care for us and even the ones who don't know us , but want to lift us up in Prayer PLEASE cont to do so! We need all the prayer we can get! BUT, the ones who just want to be curious...don't its too hurtful for my children to keep telling the story over and over again! We need all the love and support from all the TRUE WELL WISHERS we can get......My husband needs all the prayers and support he can get!!

So, the next time you approach someone you don't know just to get the ~scoop~ please think about their family and what they are going thru...................then REALLY go home and Pray for a Healing Miracle OR for what ever they may need God to help them get thru!




Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oil Spill.......and help (=

What are these towns going to do as the Oil starts to find its way to the beaches? Oil showing up, dead animals etc What will this do to the tourism and who will off-set this loss?

I have friends heading To Florida next weekend and another to Alabama the following. We are leaving in the morn for Crystal Beach close to Galveston!! We really need a break and I hope the water is habitable!!!!!

I f you have any suggestions,pics,places to stay? We are starting out impulsively we have no hotel plans yet etc!! That's what I get for saying hes not impulsive huh........keep me informed on fun,food,lodging etc.....must be on a clean beach!!


Saturday, July 10, 2010


You know that person! It may be a friend, co-worker or a family member! They are the ones that wouldn't be happy if the Heavens above reached down and scooped them up! They would complain at how they were ~scooped~ lol

You tolerate them and even find yourself humoring them at times....why you don't quite know?! Its still a mystery! You don't know if you do it out of decency or just to make yourself feel better that your not them lol or you just like to torture your self!

I tend to try and perk them up and make them see the positive side! It doesn't work, but the up side of that method is I annoy them so much they avoid ME for awhile haha So see there is an upside to being ~perky~

Now with that said there is also ~those~ kinda people that are alwaysssss perky and raining sunshine! What to do with them......hummmmmm I try to have a few friends like that, but I can only take them in doses! Too much sunshine leads to a sun-burn (=

So, whats my take on it! I like the middle of the road-happy-normal-sometimes annoyed- REAL people to surround myself with! Too much gloom and doom or too much sun shine makes for an exhausting relationship!

Which one are you? Do you have a funny story or type of person thats ~exhausting~ to share a story about? Im just laying the path for future stories that involves them..............there are some doozies too!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pet Peeve Wednesday

Pet peeve
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the 1980s metal band, see Pet Hate. For other uses, see Pet peeve (disambiguation).
A pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it

Its first usage was around 1919. The term is a back-formation from the 14th-century word 'peevish,' meaning ornery or ill-tempered.

Pet-peeves often involve specific behaviors of someone close, such as a spouse or significant other.These behaviors may involve disrespect, manners, personal hygiene, relationships, and family issues.

Often a pet peeve will seem acceptable to others. For example, a supervisor may have a pet peeve about people leaving the lid on the copier up and react angrily, be annoyed when others interrupt when speaking, or by messy desks of their subordinates.That same supervisor may witness employees coming into work late, and not feel any annoyance whatsoever. Complaining, Teasing, and Other Annoying Behaviors.

So what is you Pet Peeve I have several , so I will list a few:

1) People eating or talking with their mouths full
2) Slow drivers
4)Tapping on something or clicking your fake nails lol
5) Popping your really people we ALL should be grown enough to know this is not appropriate in a work setting?!

*So, next week we will continue Pet Peeve Wednesday! Tell me what yours are*

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Van Der Sloot

When my son graduated from High School in 2005 the Natalie Holloway case had just happened. I was mortified! I was even more mortified at the fact that the evidence was obvious and yet there was no conviction. I didn't understand why Aruba did not interrogate him to the point that he confessed as is what happened in Peru! I understand his dad was a Judge, but to even keep peace among the countries, tourism and just plain moral decency something MORE should have taken place.

To see her parents on T.V. night after night just broke my heart. I could not imagine (nor do I want to) the nightmare these parents have lived through. They have proven to be a force that Aruba didn't expect.

Now since Aruba didn't do their job another girl has died tragically. Stephany Flores just 21 was brutally murdered by what all evidence appears to be, Van Der Sloot! This brutal attack is more than just ''I briefly exploded''. He claims, ''I didn't want to do it, but she intruded on my personal life''! Seriously?! That's why you beat someone unrecognizable with a tennis racket. He broke her neck! What an extremely rare and violent way to kill someone. Not to mention a hard way!!

Just seeing him on the surveillance cameras before and after makes me nauseated. He appears smug -almost non-shalaunt. It looks odd that Stephany is walking behind, head down like she doesn't want to be recognized. There were roofies in her car that HE drove 50 blks after her murder....could he had given her one? She was a lesbian yet found without her pants? I don't understand what the purpose was of going to the room?! I wonder what he said or told her. There is yet something we may never know!

Everything he has said to date has been a lie about Natalie Holloway. He appeared to unravel at his fathers sudden passing. I still believe his dad helped with the cover-up of Holloway, his son never appeared to be smart enough to pull that off. Now we can see without Aruba and his dad he is not!!

We also find out of his extortion plot of $250,000 in the U.S. and now we learn it was with Natalie's mother! I would give anything also to recover my child's body......what a nightmare!!

Peru says his 7hour interrogation consisted of him '''breaking down'' and ''crying''!! I pray he gives Natalie's parents the where-a-bouts of their daughter and then I pray he rots in a jail cell ''crying'' and ''breaking down'' till the end of his days!

Peru's Court System has mitigating factors such as the use of intoxicants, pleading guilty and taking responsibility. There is 2 for 1 in Peru which means his sentence can be cut in half for co-operating! That's tragic! So, everything he is saying so far is in his best interest!

I pray the U.S. approaches the Peruvian government in the Holloway's behalf to try and get the where a bouts of their daughters body. I pray for mercy for both of these families and the conviction of what can only be a murderer!

Yes ,I do believe in forgiveness, but in a circumstance such as this God would have to forgive because if it was MY child I could not be that big! Van Der Sloot is what I would consider to be one of the Vilest, Lowest, Narcissistic pieces of Human waste there is!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


His speech interrupted my show today for what I thought would be an earth shattering speech on the Tragedy of the Oil Spill. Boy was I wrong! He sputtered, stammered and stuttered and when asked how he felt that he was being compared to the Katrina ''incident'' he again stuttered and got off track!

He 1st said bp was responsible then he said if anyone is to blame then ''HE is guilty'' does that mean the 1000s effected can sue him?!

Over 15 countries have offered Aide,even the major oil countries, he has only taken 2 up on their offer. He seemed oddly disconnected with his speech. He is saying only a few beaches are affected at this time... he is wrong.

He keeps saying he has been in control of the situation since day one! He knows EVERYTHING that is going on. How did he not know of Elizabeth Bernbom (sp) resignation-firing! What a fool he looked like when he again stammered over that question!

The Govt has known of the acts and deception of the Oil Co.s and because of their revenues they have looked the other way. Prior to this spill an emergency shut off valve was in the process of being a mandatory regulation! When the Oil Co.'s put the heat on the Govt they caved.......mths later the greatest Oil Spill in history!

Now I remember during his Campaign he really gave it to Bush over his ''late'' AND ''inappropriate'' actions after Katrina and passing the Buck to someone else! He is now seeing that being a President is more than talk and it sometimes is out of your control when a natural disaster hits or a Country is retaliated against! You have NO idea what you will do until put in that position and especially the position of the President! So, whose putting Lip Stick On A Pig now?!

If you do not know ask, if you need help ask, if the Past Presidents can help get as many of them in as you can, if the other countries are offering help For Gods Sake TAKE IT!!!! WE NEED IT!! What is being done is not working and if your trusting bp, Halliburton or Transocean all their major concern is to cover their own ass! I mean seriously their screwed to fight in the future against tighter regulations!

Another country may know more! We all know Japan is more knowledgeable in many things than we are use ALL resources. I even read an article that there is a substance that can be spread on top the oil and it hardens or will make it where it could be picked up in sheets! Maybe not practical, but try it!!! Do something that we as the public can physically see you do!!

I am appalled at the slow actions and 18 million gallons of oil and 87 million dollars so far and STILL there is no conclusion in site. There is 500-800 thousand gallons of oil spilling a day!

Coastal economy is threatened,culture is threatened ,wet lands in Louisiana is in devastation hundreds and hundreds of miles along the coast line. I have no idea what to do, we can all make guesses or accusations, but when the buck stops WE are not the ones who should know how to fix it THEY are! There should have been a plan-B for this exact situation! I expect them to do their jobs! I don't mind and have registered at several places to help with the clean up/animal care/ President,Oil Companies and our Government step up and hurry up before its beyond repair!


I hate allergies! I'm the type of person that would be happy in a Pent House suite! The only green I would have is what I bought from the local Grocery or the few plants I had on my out door terrace.

Now as you probably gather, this will never happen! I married an E. Tx man thru and thru. He must see grass, Pine Trees. Oak Trees, Cotton wood, Caddo Lake etccccccc!

Its a damn good thing I love him otherwise I would move so far away from here I would be a faint memory haha

I keep trying to prove to him I would be healthy on the Ocean, but hes not co-operating.......well I tried and Im gonna KEEP TRYING! I hope you have an amazing ''Allergy Free'' Memorial Day! Be safe and dont drink and drive!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fresh Berries

Dont you just love that time of the year when all the produce is vibrant and in season!

That time of the year when Berries are deep purple,reds and blues.

When you pay twice as much for them because you just know they will be sweet and juicy!

Then you get home, wash them off, arrange them in a pretty plate, because we all know appearance is everything!

You sit down and your mouths watering for that first bite and then ''SPIT-SPIT-BLAHH''!!

That over priced,suculent,bright pretty berry taste like *nothing* - *nothing* with seeds!!

Guess Ill go to the frozen section and try those fresh frozen berries!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Its ironic to me that some people do not believe in Karma! I totally believe what goes around comes around, so you better treat people the way you want to be treated.

I know someone who thinks shes beyond reproach, even when you see Karma biting her dead in the center of her ass she oblivious! Kinda funny at times and frustrating at others.

Shes had lot of unfortunate events happen in her life here lately and yes I actually feel sorry for her, BUT I cant help but wish she saw WHY it was happening to her. Even more so what she did to others that is making her life what it is today!

I guess some people can even figure out a way to excuse off Karma and blame it on others?! Is that their Karma too? Are some people so ignorant or entitled that they never realize their actions and continue to judge others?

I can only hope that this person and others like her/them realize that what they are going thru now is a direct response to their past actions.......we can only hope!?

Friday, May 14, 2010





Tuesday, May 11, 2010


It seems Playboy is comming out with a 3D center fold! Is this really necessary? Are the glasses used as a disquise maybe lol Well, I guess its better than being the 3D ''Playgirl'' centerfold .............might be alota jokes made!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Everyone has an opinion on something that is none of there busness or they dont have the ''umpas'' to do there self! Isnt that conveinent AND typical.

Ive seen many Blogs, Tweets and TV shows talking about Sandra Bullock adopting an African Amercian child..............SERIOUSLY!!! People STILL want to go there? Forget the fact that a child is being given the opportunity for an awsum life with someone that wants them. She had no idea what her circumstances would be when she adopted that ltl boy in Jan......people lose sight of what she did? She was 1st to step up and donate after Katrina and has been hands on in the rebuilding phase. She didnt see color only the need to reach out and help!

I believe all the people GRIPPING about the color of this blessed child are not taking into consideration the big picture. I can not believe ANYONE would want this child to sit in an orphange etc until a person of his ''same'' race could adopt him! WHY?! WHY are these people or groups complaining.... have they adopted a child of ANY color?! In a perfect world we are not suppose to care about race and isnt that what the races have been complaining of or fighting for?? Equal rights?

Now I know this is a touchey subject and I also wondered why the stars feel the need to go out of the Country to adopt when there are so many needy children in our own Country, BUT I still did not condemn them! So, a star finally adopts on our own soil, Im proud of that and STILL it is not good enough? A child in need is a child in need.

So all the Nay Sayers keep it to your self and quit condemning those that are doing a GOOD thing! Hats off to Sanda Bullock. Lord knows shes had her share of circumstances the last few months, let her raise her son in peace and love! Hats off to ALL adoptive parents of ANY are a special breed!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Want A Dog PLEEZEEE.....

How many times have I heard this since I had the 2boys! You know the song,''I promise Ill take care of it?!'' Really?!! OK, So the dog is 15, the kids are 22 and 19 and its almost 2am......what does that have to do with anything?? Well let me tell you.......

Im sitting in the living room settling down to write my ''NICE'' blog when I get a text. YES, a text. Its from my son IN THE ROOM NEXT TO ME asking me would I do something about the dog?! Why you ask?! Because, I put him in the boys bath and told them the dog would not come out until he was bathed! I assume you can tell who won that ''waiting'' game lol So, being the good mom that I am (not really ,but figured the scene would be too bad for 1am) I go ahead and bathe this poor dog!

Now, as I said hes 15, his name is Harley,hes a Yorkie,hes missing teeth,he has contracted a Yorkie skin condition,he gets a shot once a mth,he some how has a s~~t load of fleas(HOW he only goes out to potty??) and he smells like a dirty biker. I can say this as my husband owns a Harley...he doesnt stink, but you get the drift!

One hour and 32 minutes later Im crawling out of the bath room , because I cant stand up straight from leaning over the tub. What the hell happened to this dog?! He was a I know it hasnt been that long since he was bathed, because I lost that waiting game then also!

I neglected to tell you hes blind in one eye and almost death, so a bath is actually tramatizing for him AND me. The boys just ''loved'' this dog when he was a PUPPY!! His papers say he is a ''Miniture Yorkie''. I saw his parents.....they were little. He is about 15lbs bigger than he should be. The Vet says hes full blooded, but apparently is some kind of Mutent Yorkie that grabbed Genes from generations back, therefore he was not his adorable 4-6lbs.

How ever he is one of the prettiest Dogs Ive ever seen. Hes a Yorkie with a Silkies hair and as I said about 20lbs. So, due to his size the adorableness ran out pretty quick when he started to grow and the boys then wanted another dog! I SAID NOOOOOO!

So, we got a Labador!! Surley they would take care of this dog AND the 2 adorable cats that they brought home! I told you their ages , so when they went to college I inherited the animals! Both are living back at home and still in college, but I have come to realize when they are clean and fed they lovingly refer to them as ''THEIRS''!!

What did one of them have the nerve to say to me this weekend........''Hey mom I want to get a dog??!!'' SERIOUSLY I THOUGHT ''When I move out Ill take it with me'', SERIOUSLY AGAIN!!! Im not falling for that!!

Now this time I am sticking to my guns! One day when they move out for good Im bringing a few animals to their homes that I just HAVE to have and I will tell them ''When I come to visit Ill take care of them....I PROMISE''!

Friday, April 30, 2010

What Time Is It??!!

Well, let me just say its late! I have 2 college kids and have been online trying to fill out their FAFSA for the up comming term. A)Yes Im aware that it should have already been submitted B) there is no B......just sounded like I should have had a 'B' somewhere!

What I do have is 3 people ,''snug as a bug in a rug'', snoring away as I make sure alls well with the world and their college future! One of the 3 is the Dad, so I have to include him snoring away. His view point is that they should do it their self. My view point is if ''I'' do it I know it been done....only a moms theory apparently!

I will say that this theory has worked for me and gives me the right to ''Gripe'' at any given moment! Im thinking (dangerous I know) I should reward myself for my diligent work...humm what do I want......Ill have to post that on the Confession Blog!

Seriously, all I want is to have 2 college graduates! The oldest Graduates NEXT SATURDAY with his BA and truthfully, Ill stay up a week straight to do what needs to be done! I am so very proud of him and he decided he will go ahead and get his Masters, soooo it looks like I ''get'' to do this again next Jan....uhh April(yes it was-I made it before midnite!)My youngest has at least 3yrs the Grace of God Ill be griping about ''having'' to do this for 3 more years (-;

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Have you been in a conversation and half of their story consists of, ~This That and The Other~......HUH? You know those people, ex.- We all went out last night and I met this guy and ~This That and The other~ and then in the morning I was late for work! HUH??! Dont leave out the good parts, because my imagination WILL run wild.

Then their are the ones that constantly say, ~ You Know~....NO I DONT KNOW! Tell me PLEASE, because I dont want to appear stupid or not listening too you. I will usually nod or act like I know what the heck they are talking about, but in reality....I am clueless! I may want to know or I may not, but give me the option of ""Not Knowing'', because ~You Know~................

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sick And Tired

Sick and Tired of the media giving so much attention to the negative Hollywood stars! I mean seriously, do I need to see someones marriage break-up plastered on the T.V. any of us? Why do we care and yes Enquiring minds DO want to know apparently! Couldnt all that focus be put on something relevent instead of embarrassing the spouses of these losers?~

Seems thats all we see on T.V. Why do they give 1 second of air time to the other woman or man? Do I really need to see one of T.W.'s or J.J.'s mistress/hooker/stripper.....seriously seems they are all getting their 5mins of fame x10.

If your sick of this or something else - post what your ~Gripe~ is......

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Pressure of Perfection

The pressure of perfection in our everyday life is hard to over come sometimes. Someone is always trying to keep up with someone, immulate someone, have ~That~ job that will bring you success and lets not forget that perfect 2.1 children-dog-and picket fence!

I decided along time ago I would not compete with anyone, that I would just be Me and teach my children the same. That was alot harder than I thought. My children were athletes and we all know the amount of pressure that comes along with that! My oldest actually went to College on a football scholorship, but when he realized he could not do some of the things to his body required.....he quit. Not college, just the sport! He moved, started in another school and focused on his studies. Had we not taught him that being the best wasnt as important as doing whats right for you, I believe his path would not have had as happy of an ending!

We should never set our goals for perfection nor should we expect that from our children! Both are doomed for failure and unhappiness.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


An awsum concept! Sleep, please dont forsake me )-; I want you! I need you! I day dream about you...............please come back to me. I realize its been 22yrs, but I promise to never take advantage of you like others do!! I want to send these ~bags~ back to their rightful owner!

Friday, April 23, 2010


HOT FLASHES.......SERIOUSLY, Dont we have enough to deal with as women?! This wierd "thing" just started happening to me the last few years and it comes and goes so quickly that you dont have time to get ust to it! The flashes hit like a Ton of Bricks and then "boom" they disappear! Now dont get me wrong, Im grateful they disappear, but the few weeks before they do are hell!

Now I will end this on a positive note and I believe the only plus I get out of this.....I will drop 10-15lbs during this ''FLASH'' time! Why, I have no idea and Im very curious if anyone else is like that?! So, Ive tried to view this as a positive thing, but its hard when sweat is dripping down my back....ughhhhh to be a Woman!!

So, again you can Gripe and sometimes see the positive OR not, its up to you! Whats your Gripe for Friday?!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

~Gripe of the Day~

So,this is a site that when things arent quite going 'Kosher' you can blog about it! Doesnt have to have a bad ending, you can even tell us what your solution was to your gripe! Sounds like fun huh! So here we go...............

My day started out pretty good, all things going accordingly until I got back home. I go to turn on the t.v. and my Dish T.V. was DISCONNECTED!! Now I know I paid the bill so what the heck? I go ahead an eat supper, because I knew this would be a long phone conversation and I would get to travel the world.....usually connected as far as India, yes you heard me ! So, I settle into my chair and placed my 1st my call. Everyone I reached all refered me to someone else who had a different answer and a different reason or different solution!

After 47minutes an 52seconds(yes I was counting) I finally reached a person I could understand! He began to give me his solution to my problem, pay my bill AGAIN! It seems there was a ''human error'' on their part that entered my check information incorrectly , because of this error I was being punished. This is the spill I got, 'Im sorry Mrs so and so, there seems to have been a human error on our part. Even though WE screwed up (ok my words here), you will have to pay your $5.00 FEE AGAIN and you will have to pay next mths bill(that you havent received yet to reconnect)!!!!!! SERIOUSLY, I actually said that,I called in gave all my check information and 15days later Im disconnected?? Then they connect me with yet another superviser, I repeat my story! At this point Im feeling my blood pressure rise. I have kids in the living room and a husband chimming in wanting to know how long is the T.V. is going to be out!

I decide Im disconnecting this NOW we will survive untill we get the COMPETITION connected. Well that didnt settle too well with them. I was connected with someone who did everything, but offer to come to my house and make me popcorn! FINALLY, someone with some sense, a real go getter, someone whose actually trying to help me-the customer! After another 45 minutes, all fees were waved, next months bill will be paid...when you month (-; my services were back on in 15minutes and everyone was happy.

So, whats the moral of this....dont give up,persistance is good and keep asking for someone else, ANYONE who will help you! Human error happens all the time and thats fine, as long as YOU dont have to pay for it!! So, have a good night and enjoy that T.V. your may be you next on the phone for 2hrs 25min and 52 seconds!!!!