Tuesday, September 7, 2010

YOU KNOW WHAT BUGS ME....................

It bugs me when you put a ~serious~ post on blog frog and you get NO replies ,BUT a question like ~did you pee during delivery~ gets a 100+ replies??!!  SERIOUSLY!! Who cares...believe me you wont care what you do during delivery!!!

You figure a forum of this statue that reaches so many people, someone would be interested in a serious question? Maybe It wasn't funny or as informative as the question above, but still a question! Maybe I don't rant enough, cuss enough, preach enough who knows? At this point I'm questioning the whole point in blogging!

FYI, the question had to do with Cancer, the type and any info regarding it. So, it wasn't a stupid question....or I didn't think it was! Did I mention I lost a follower after I posted the question............maybe it was the question or maybe they just didn't like my post in general.... Either way, GOOD RIDDANCE~.......OK , so I'm thru GRIPING.......for now! Have a good one!


  1. Don't take this blogging too serious, Sweetie.

    I don't even post my "followers" anymore. It's a facade.

    Peace and Love

  2. your probably right Blase'......it was annoying at the time! Im better now lol

    drop by anytime


''Yall Come Back Now Ya Hear (= ''