Sunday, November 21, 2010


In short means ~I DIDN'T~ lol! Don't you just love when people are soooo interested in your life they forget to tend to their own?!  What is it with people wanting to know MY business?! I just don't really care what others do unless it directly affects me! So, my question is why cant they give me the same courtesy!

Seems if my life is boring OR hectic it fascinates people! Now I'm not trying to come off as if I even HAVE  a life or one anyone would even want at the moment! My husband will get calls and they just want to know our business not really how hes doing?! (that's usually family) It fascinates me the curiosity of my non existent life to certain family members!

So, what about me-us is so interesting?! I'm assuming because we lay under the radar or have tried to with little success. With the House burning and illnesses its been kinda hard to lay low..........but damn it we've tried! Why do we try?! Because I like to mind MY own business, I like peace and quiet, I appreciate solitude and privacy!

Now don' get me wrong we socialize and do our thing, but its with-in our own group and that's where my comfort zone is! That's where I like to stay..........I want peace and quiet. If I'm having a bad day or life moment, I appreciate some respect! When you work for the public you have THAT personality then you have your private personality. The boys ust to tell me I could be chewing them out and the phone would ring and it'd be ~ Thank you for calling so and so can I help you~ lol You learn to do that, so when your on your own time that's exactly what you want......peace ,quiet and drama free!

It never really bothered me as much until my husband got sick. Now, I think REALLY as crappy as my life is at the moment you STILL find it so enthralling?! Maybe the few, because most have been awsum, will eventually get a life and stop trying to mind mine! Stop making people more or less sick than they are and especially minding their intimate business! Again, I must stress sooo many people have been good to us and as I write this it seems petty, but I just hope those FEW will read this and be ashamed and go on to their next VICTIM! Better yet learn from this and quit it all together! Now that's a good option we all have redeeming qualities.

Ughh I know, but this is The Gripe Site, so I am Griping. All in all my life is good and I feel Blessed, but you know what they say about a few bad apples (=  just so happened those apples are either kin to us or interested in other peoples business! So, if your reading this either give me a call OR get a life! Preferably your own......if its boring make up something on yourself, it wont take but a couple of hours to make it into a hell of a story!

O.k. so Ill be nice about we just say a prayer for each other and call it a day!


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ive taken it ALL ......over the counter, health products and prescription sleep aides! Now the only thing that works ''For me'' is Ambien and sometimes Lunesta. Well for those of you that havent tried these two let me fill you in.

Lunesta, is o.k. if you like your mouth to taste like metal, rust, iron etc. The only plus is you dont eat after you take it ,because you want to puke.

Ambien is awsum! It has its own set of problems, BUT the side effects Ive had is- driving ( yes driving) night eating, (which makes Lunesta more attractive lol), calling people in the middle of the night OR talking to people and dont remember........thats how I received my ''exercise pole'' ok stripper pole (says the boys haha)... in the mail one day via info exercise commercial! I have even seen ''Orbs'' shooting down to get me from the ceiling lol. SO, if your desperate for CAN be awsum lol....up to you! Its up to you if you want to sleep and I do ......sometimes would be nice ya know?!

My Dr said he had a patient on Ambien, her husband was awakened in the middle of the night and heard alot of commotion out side,he went to check it out and she beating the hell out of the garden gnomes with his golf clubs!! Now I don't care who you are that's funny lol

So what does a person do, find a night job, deal with feeling like you've been sucking on a rusty pole OR make orders you don't remember ordering? Oh and on the night driving one, if or when I break down and take an Ambien and not Lunesta, I now give the keys to the Hubbie when he goes to bed. Problem solved!

Now that's a sore subject, those people who lay their head down on a pillow and are snoring in 1.2 seconds.....makes me wanna beat them with a wet noodle! When I tell you've I always had this problem I MEAN I have ALWAYS had this problem!

I'm going to start up an online petition for my husband! It will be for people who sign in the belief that if I move back to the Ocean Id sleep like a log and be much more happier and in?! Come on give a Sister a hand (= much better than taking a drug.....Ill take a glass of red wine and hearing the roaring waves ANY DAY!!! Surely if your in we can form a club (=

Monday, November 1, 2010


Have you ever met a mother that has absolutely no maternal or nurturing bone in their body! Well I have and if you haven't consider your self Blessed!

People amaze me! I guess `THOSE` people are just cold hearted.....evil.....I'm still unsure!

So, as I write this I'm saying a prayer for this person! Now I ask all of  you viewing this please say a prayer for all the Mothers out there that need to realize giving birth does not make you a mother! To stand up and try to mend the hurt you may have caused!

Sorry, just breaks my heart when I see this and I have friends who would give ANYTHING to have their children back if even for 1day!!

As a mother, I can not comprehend this type of attitude of ~mom 1st kids last~..........................................

That's it.........may God have mercy on their souls!