Saturday, July 10, 2010


You know that person! It may be a friend, co-worker or a family member! They are the ones that wouldn't be happy if the Heavens above reached down and scooped them up! They would complain at how they were ~scooped~ lol

You tolerate them and even find yourself humoring them at times....why you don't quite know?! Its still a mystery! You don't know if you do it out of decency or just to make yourself feel better that your not them lol or you just like to torture your self!

I tend to try and perk them up and make them see the positive side! It doesn't work, but the up side of that method is I annoy them so much they avoid ME for awhile haha So see there is an upside to being ~perky~

Now with that said there is also ~those~ kinda people that are alwaysssss perky and raining sunshine! What to do with them......hummmmmm I try to have a few friends like that, but I can only take them in doses! Too much sunshine leads to a sun-burn (=

So, whats my take on it! I like the middle of the road-happy-normal-sometimes annoyed- REAL people to surround myself with! Too much gloom and doom or too much sun shine makes for an exhausting relationship!

Which one are you? Do you have a funny story or type of person thats ~exhausting~ to share a story about? Im just laying the path for future stories that involves them..............there are some doozies too!!


''Yall Come Back Now Ya Hear (= ''